It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.

It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark… and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.
I’mma penetrate this man’s soul wit my heart.
Rosalie Quaid:
Sometimes I envy the finality of death. The certainty. And I have to drive those thoughts away when I’m weak.
Duane Steinbrink:
If you’re looking for sympathy, the only place you’re going to find it is in the dictionary, somewhere between shit and syphilis.
[last lines]
Ennis Del Mar:
Jack, I swear…
Dr. Arliss Loveless:
Mister West! How nice of you to join us tonight and add COLOR to these monochromatic proceedings!
Capt. James West:
Well when a fella comes back from the dead, I find that an occasion to STAND UP and be counted!
Dr. Arliss Loveless:
Miss East informs me that you were expectin’ to see General McGrath here. Well, I knew him years ago, but I haven’t seen him in a COON’s age!
Capt. James West:
Well, I can see where it’d be difficult for a man of your stature to keep in touch with even HALF the people you know.
Dr. Arliss Loveless:
Well, perhaps the lovely Miss East will keep you from bein’ a SLAVE to your disappointment!
Capt. James West:
Well, you know beautiful women; they encourage you one minute, and CUT THE LEGS OUT from under you the next!
Wardaddy: Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.
Gracie Hart: I just don't see why I can't be Tina!
Sam Fuller: [with disdain] You don't see that?
Fortsätt läsa Miss Secret Agent 2: Armed and fabulous (2005)
Viggo Tarasov:
I heard you struck my son.
Yes, sir, I did.
Viggo Tarasov:
And may I ask why?
Yeah, well, because he stole John Wick’s car, sir, and, uh, killed his dog.
Viggo Tarasov:
Paul Child:
[to Julia]
You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.
[later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]