Etikettarkiv: Familj

Ensam hemma

Ensam hemma

Check-Out Woman: Are you here all by yourself?
Kevin McCallister: Ma'am, I'm eight years old. You think I would be here alone? I don't think so.
Check-Out Woman: Where's your mom?
Kevin McCallister: My mom's in the car.
Check-Out Woman: Where's your father?
Kevin McCallister: He's at work.
Check-Out Woman: What about your brothers and your sisters?
Kevin McCallister: I'm an only child.
Check-Out Woman: Where do you live?
Kevin McCallister: Uh, I can't tell you that.
Check-Out Woman: Why not?
Kevin McCallister: Because you're a stranger.

Fortsätt läsa Ensam hemma

Sweet Pecan Summer

Sweet Pecan Summer

J.P. Milligan: Okay, for the record, Carol called me about this yesterday. I didn't even know you were going to be involved.
Amanda Lin: Sounds like Aunt Carol. I didn't even know she was going to sell until I got here.
J.P. Milligan: Well, look, we don't need any more stress in our lives. So, if you don't want me here, say the word, I will bow out.
Amanda Lin: That'd be great.
J.P. Milligan: You're hilarious.
Amanda Lin: Bye bye. But…
J.P. Milligan: There's a but.
Amanda Lin: Aunt Carol thinks you're the best fit for this and the other options were terrible.
J.P. Milligan: Ah, well. JP Milligan, not terrible. Got a ring to it.
Amanda Lin: Okay, if we're gonna do this, I have two conditions.
J.P. Milligan: Fine.
Amanda Lin: I get to look over all the listing materials and we can only sell to a family that will run the farm as is. No developers.
J.P. Milligan: Well, that answers that question. Time has not made you any less bossy.
Amanda Lin: Cute.
J.P. Milligan: I love the idea of you being involved. I mean, I want this place to go to a nice family just as much as you do. You know my connection to this farm. It means a lot to me or else I wouldn't be here.
Amanda Lin: Great.
J.P. Milligan: But, in order to create that buzz, we're gonna have to cast a wide net. It's gonna be a part of our plan to get the buyer that we really want. So to create interest, it'll be easier and quicker to sell. Okay?
Amanda Lin: Fine.
J.P. Milligan: Hold up. Two conditions of my own.
Amanda Lin: Okay.
J.P. Milligan: Number one, you are going to have to trust me. Believe it or not, I know what I'm doing. And number two, we're going to stick to the plan this time.
Amanda Lin: Well, that answers that question. Time hasn't made you any less smug, huh?
[JP shakes his head]
Amanda Lin: Deal.
J.P. Milligan: Looking forward to it.
Amanda Lin: [under her breath] This better not be a mistake.
J.P. Milligan: [under his breath as he walks away] I hope this wasn't a mistake.

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