Morgan Warner:
You said you could handle the truth.

Morgan Warner:
You said you could handle the truth.
Sybil Stone:
[to Amy, after opening Meredith’s Christmas gift, a photo of a very pregnant Sybil]
That’s me and you, kid.
[Amy looks up, crying and nodding]
Sybil Stone:
Me and you.
Bella Cullen:
I do remember how to undress myself.
Edward Cullen:
I just do it so much better.
Fortsätt läsa The twilight saga: Breaking dawn part 2 (2012)
Carol Aird:
[while driving back to Chicago]
What are you thinking? You know how many times a day I ask you that?
Therese Belivet:
Sorry. What am I thinking? I’m thinking that I’m utterly selfish.
Carol Aird:
Don’t do this. You had no idea. How could you have known?
Therese Belivet:
And I should have said ”No” to you but I never say ”No”. And it’s selfish because… because I just take everything and I don’t know anything. And I don’t know what I want. How could I when all I ever do is say ”Yes” to everything?
[turns head and cries]
Carol Aird:
[pulls car to side of road and stops, moves close to Therese and caresses her face]
I took what you gave willingly. It’s not your fault, Therese.
[upon reaching Claw Island]
Holey rusted metal, Batman!
The ground, it’s all metal. It’s full of holes. You know, holey.
Jane Kano:
I need you to exhibit some attention-seeking behavior.
Sabina Wilson:
I have so many ideas.
Marian: You call that a disguise?
Robin of Loxley: Well it fooled everybody else!
Edward Cullen:
No measure of time with you will be long enough. But we’ll start with forever.
Fortsätt läsa The twilight saga: Breaking dawn part 1 (2011)
Indiana Jones: Mola Ram! Prepare to meet Kali… in Hell!
The Penguin:
[while being bombarded by food]
Why is there always someone who brings eggs and tomatoes to a speech?