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Role models

Role models (2008)

Barista: Good morning! Can I take your order?
Beth: Can I get a tall chai?
Danny: And a large black coffee.
Barista: A what?
Danny: Large black coffee.
Barista: Do you mean a venti?
Danny: No, I mean a large.
Beth: He means a venti. Yeah, the biggest one you've got.
Barista: Venti means large.
Danny: No. Venti means "twenty".
Beth: Danny…
Danny: Yeah. "Large" is large. In fact, "tall" is large, and "grande" is Spanish for large. "Venti" is the only one that doesn't mean large. It's also the only one that's Italian. Congratulations! You're stupid in three languages.
Barista: Look, dick… venti is a large coffee.
Danny: Oh, really? Says who, Fellini?
Beth: [quickly reaches for her wallet] How much is that? Here's a ten.
Danny: Do you, uh, accept lire? Or is it all Euros now?

Fortsätt läsa Role models (2008)

Woman at war

Woman at war (2018)

Economic sabotage.
It’s extremism, which breeds extremism. He who Jives by the sword, dies by the sword.
But no one has been hurt, except our country and our planet.
It’s not the right way to solve this problem.
Meditating in some convent, will that change something?
It will change me and thus the world I hope.
Isn’t that egoism, to think it will change the world?
The drop hollows the stone.
The stone? The mountains are falling on us, we don’t have time to wait for drops.
Now you’re going to save a child and the entire world with it. Isn’t that a small drop or is it just vanity?
At least I’m doing something for someone else.

Fortsätt läsa Woman at war (2018)