Joanna Reed: In the middle of most nights, when I can't sleep I still replay you

Joanna Reed: In the middle of most nights, when I can't sleep I still replay you
Messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. They may be your last as king.
King Leonidas: [to himself: thinking] "Earth and water"?
[Leonidas unsheathes and points his sword at the Messenger's throat]
Messenger: Madman! You're a madman!
King Leonidas: Earth and water? You'll find plenty of both down there.
Messenger: No man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger!
King Leonidas: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!
Messenger: This is blasphemy! This is madness!
King Leonidas: Madness…?
King Leonidas: This is Sparta!
[Kicks the messenger down the well]
Minister: There is one thing: how did you know whose telephone to tap?
Lebel: I didn't, so I tapped all of them.
Harriet: [to Gideon, at gunpoint] You'll die right here. On a frozen, blood-soaked battlefield, the moans of a generation of young men in your ears, dying in agony around you, for a lost cause. For a vile and wicked idea! For the sin of slavery! Can you hear them? God don't mean people to own people, Gideon! Our time is near!
Allan Karlsson: [when finding the therapist dead on the floor, having choked to death on a champagne bottle cork] He's drunk himself to death quite quickly, he has. Well, at least he won't have to have any hangover tomorrow.
Fortsätt läsa Hundraettåringen som smet från notan och försvann
Paulette: Ooh… the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.
John Matthews: I admire you so much. The stand you're taking. You didn't take the easy way out. Not setting up one of your friends. I couldn't do what you did. So it looks like you're the one teaching me what real character and integrity is all about. I love you, son.
First Lt Benjamin Keating: So how do we do our jobs and stay safe? We need to keep a good relationship with the locals. Respect keeps us safe.
Allan Karlsson: If you want to kill me, you'd better hurry, because I'm 100 years old.
Fortsätt läsa Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann
Emmett: Did you take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Enrique Salvatore: Yes.
Emmett: Where?
Enrique Salvatore: A restaurant in Concord, where no one could recognize us.
Emmett: How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham?
Enrique Salvatore: Three months.
Emmett: And your boyfriend's name is…
Enrique Salvatore: Chuck.
Emmett: Right.
[Everyone gasps/laughs]
Enrique Salvatore: Pardon me, pardon me. I thought you said friend; Chuck is just a friend.