Morgan: Mother, did you get the two dick pics I sent you?

Morgan: Mother, did you get the two dick pics I sent you?
[after Bond finds her in the bathtub in his hotel room]
Since you’re here, would you mind giving me something to put on?
[Bond casually hands Fiona her shoes]
Invite me to dinner, Frank?
Frank Taylor:
[Elise gives Frank a look]
Frank Taylor:
Would you like to have dinner?
Women don’t like questions.
Frank Taylor:
Join me for dinner.
Too demanding.
Frank Taylor:
Join me for dinner?
Another question.
Frank Taylor:
[thinks for a moment]
I’m having dinner, if you’d care to join me.
[Elise smiles at Frank]
I heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he’s depressed. Life seems harsh, and cruel. Says he feels all alone in threatening world. Doctor says: ”Treatment is simple. The great clown – Pagliacci – is in town. Go see him. That should pick you up.” Man bursts into tears. ”But doctor…” he says ”I am Pagliacci.” Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
Leta Lestrange: Oh, Newt. You never met a monster you couldn't love.
Fortsätt läsa Fantastiska vidunder: Grindelwalds brott (2018)
James Bond:
Red wine with fish. Well, that should have told me something.
Donald ”Red” Grant:
You may know the right wines, but you’re the one on your knees. How does it feel old man?
[first lines]
[checking out the Batmobile]
I want a car. Chicks dig the car.
This is why Superman works alone.
Allan Trumbull:
It is our moments of struggle that define us.
[on the intercom to Shaun]
I imagine in this moment you’re questioning whether or not you and your kids will make it out of this alive. The answer to that depends on who I am and what I’m capable of. You’re thinking ’If not me, then at least my kids, at all costs, get them back, no matter what I have to do’. But you know there is nothing you can do; you’re a woman, alone, at the mercy of strangers, your greatest weakness is trapped here, inside the house, with us. We will work this out, I promise, but from this moment on, you are going to have to do exactly as I say, or you and your kids will not survive this night.
Benjamin Asher: [after Banning kills a terrorist as his brother listens via radio] Was that necessary?
Mike Banning: No.