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Die hard - hämningslöst

Die hard – hämningslöst (1995)

Why you keep calling me Jesús? I look Puerto Rican to you?
John McClane:
Guy back there called you Jesús.
He didn’t say Jesús. He said, ”Hey, Zeus!” My name is Zeus.
John McClane:
Yeah, Zeus! As in, father of Apollo? Mt. Olympus? Don’t fuck with me or I’ll shove a lightning bolt up your ass? Zeus! You got a problem with that?
John McClane:
No, I don’t have a problem with that.

Fortsätt läsa Die hard – hämningslöst (1995)


Extraction (2015)

[first lines]

We have reason to believe you are not who you say you are, Mr. Parker. Your wife and son, Mr. Leonard Turner, CIA. I have men posted outside their door, back in Virginia, United States.
Leonard Turner:
Come again?
For you to get this close, you must have friends, informants, collaborators, inside my organization. I want their names.
[hands him a pen]

Leonard Turner:
[begins writing]
Leonard Turner:
[suddenly stabs him with the pen and subdues everyone in the room]
You look so stupid with that pen in your neck.
Leonard Turner:
[pointing his own gun at him]
Don’t ever threaten my family again.

Fortsätt läsa Extraction (2015)

Heartbreak ridge

Heartbreak ridge (1986)

Jail Binger:
I don’t like soldier boys.
Say what?
Jail Binger:
If you wanna pop that puppy’s can you don’t have to grease him so hard, jarhead.
Well, it sounds like you’re a man of experience.
Jail Binger:
What the hell’s that supposed to mean, grunge shit.
It means: Be advised. I’m mean, nasty and tired. I eat concertina wire and piss napalm and I can put a round in a flea’s ass at 200 meters. So why don’t you go hump somebody else’s leg, mutt face, before I push yours in.
Jail Binger:
Ain’t gonna be so smart with your balls stuffed in your mouth, jarhead!
[hands cigar to the young man]
Hang on to this, boy. I think war’s just been declared.

Fortsätt läsa Heartbreak ridge (1986)