Two Tickets to Paradise
David Cotton: You know, telling someone to calm down has literally never calmed anyone down in the history of the universe.
Till sista andetaget
Patricia Franchini: What is your greatest ambition in life?
Parvulesco: To become immortal… and then die.
Recipe for Love
Jag är Zlatan
Robert: They say life could be understood backwards
Balzary: But it must be lived forward
The Presence of Love
The Professional Bridesmaid
Pramod, 8 year: Is it because the houses are far apart that the people are far apart?
Fourth Down and Love
Seraphim Falls
Murad: [Bryan has him cornered] What are you waiting for?
Bryan Mills: You have other sons?
Murad: Two.
Bryan Mills: And if I kill you, they will come and seek revenge?
Murad: They will for sure.
Bryan Mills: And I will kill them too. You can change that. You can go home, live your life, enjoy your sons, your grandsons.
Murad: And my other son, Marko, the son you killed… am I just supposed to forget it?
Bryan Mills: No, you'll just have to live with it. Like the parents of all those kidnapped girls. Or you can die here.
Murad: What are you telling me?
Bryan Mills: What I'm saying is, if you give me your word, I will throw down this gun and simply walk away.
Murad: Why?
Bryan Mills: Because I am tired of it all.