Graham: I'm not sticking my hand up anything's arse!

Graham: I'm not sticking my hand up anything's arse!
Adrienne's Niece: The heart is a wonderful mystery – powerful enough to move mountains, delicate enough to shatter at the slightest touch. But… if we don't love without restraint, we risk missing out the greatest gift life has to offer.
Det. Nick Detillo: There's an old Italian saying: Never scald your tongue on another man's soup.
Tom Hardy: Yeah? There's an old Irish saying: don't listen to old Italian sayings.
Marie: Don't be curious. That's not a rule, but still, it annoys me. Believe me, life is much better when I'm not annoyed.
Jamal Manning: This is my brother.
Jatemme Manning: Jatemme.
Jack Mulligan: Love you too.
Terminator: Katherine Brewster? Have you sustained injury?
Kate Brewster: Drop dead, you asshole!
Terminator: I am unable to comply.