Mr. Louie Amendola: [fleeing fire] The polar bear rug with the radio inside! I'll miss the Jimmy Durante show!

Mr. Louie Amendola: [fleeing fire] The polar bear rug with the radio inside! I'll miss the Jimmy Durante show!
[Sarah hugs Pops before going into the Time Displacement Equipment. Pops doesn't understand the meaning of a hug]
Guardian: That's a meaningless gesture. Why hold onto someone you must let go?
Sam: So does this cute little fella say anything or make noise or warn you when he's about to steal your soul?
Henry: You light up my world, you're my best friend, and I love you. Will you marry me?
Molly Weasley: [to Bellatrix Lestrange] Not my daughter, you bitch!
J.P. Presley: memories build the bridge between our minds and heart, and they should be preserved like treasured keepsakes
George Smiley: I want to talk about loyalty, Toby. Control recruited you, didn't he? He found you starving in a museum in Vienna, a wanted man. He saved your life, I heard. And yet, when the time came… when it came to picking sides between him and Alleline, you didn't hesitate. It's understandable, perhaps, with your war experience. You survived this long, I suppose, because of your ability to change sides, to serve any master.
Easterhase: What's… what's this about, George?
George Smiley: It's about which master you've been serving, Toby.
Robert Langdon: [direct] The greatest sins in human history have been committed in the name of love.
[shaking head]
Robert Langdon: No one will look on this act and call it love.
Sienna Brooks: [resigned] They'll be alive. What does it matter what they say about us?
[last lines]
CIA Superior: What did we learn, Palmer?
CIA Officer: I don't know, sir.
CIA Superior: I don't fuckin' know either. I guess we learned not to do it again.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir.
CIA Superior: I'm fucked if I know what we did.
CIA Officer: Yes, sir, it's, uh, hard to say
CIA Superior: Jesus Fucking Christ.
Kenny G: It's not a flute, bitch!