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Jalla! Jalla!

Jalla! Jalla!

Polis: [Måns is arrested by the police after throwing out furniture] Well, how did this happen?
Måns: Ehm, what?
Polis: Well, there's furniture on the street, under your balcony…
Måns: I accidentally dropped them…
Polis: Really? How?
Måns: I don't know… I was going to… refurbish… a little and then i tripped… it was some little… edge that…
Polis: On the balcony?
Måns: Yes, exactly…
Polis: With a whole drawer, a TV and an aquarium?
Måns: Mm…

Fortsätt läsa Jalla! Jalla!

Påtaglig fara

Påtaglig fara

[Jack needs a helicopter]
Jack Ryan: I'm here to rent the Huey.
Helicopter owner: We don't rent it anymore, but it is for sale.
Jack Ryan: How much?
Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.
Jack Ryan: Uh, my pilot and I will have to take it for a test drive.
Helicopter owner: Of course, you just have to leave a deposit.
Jack Ryan: How much is that?
Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.
Jack Ryan: Umm…
[Shows a CIA business card]
Jack Ryan: Would you take a company check?

Fortsätt läsa Påtaglig fara