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Zorro - den maskerade hämnaren

Zorro – den maskerade hämnaren (1998)

[in a confessional, Alejandro posing as a priest]
I have broken the fourth commandment, padre.
Alejandro Murrieta:
You killed somebody?
No, that is not the fourth commandment.
Alejandro Murrieta:
Of course not. Tell me, in what way did you break the most sacred of commandments.
I dishonored my father.
Alejandro Murrieta:
That is not so bad. Maybe your father deserved it.
Alejandro Murrieta:
I said tell me more, my child.

Fortsätt läsa Zorro – den maskerade hämnaren (1998)

Den där Mary

Den där Mary (1998)

You heard of this thing, the 8-Minute Abs?
Yeah, sure, 8-Minute Abs. Yeah, the excercise video.
Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 7… Minute… Abs.
Right. Yes. OK, all right. I see where you’re going.
Think about it. You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin’ there, there’s 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you gonna pick, man?
I would go for the 7.
Bingo, man, bingo. 7-Minute Abs. And we guarantee just as good a workout as the 8-minute folk.
You guarantee it? That’s – how do you do that?
If you’re not happy with the first 7 minutes, we’re gonna send you the extra minute free. You see? That’s it. That’s our motto. That’s where we’re comin’ from. That’s from ”A” to ”B”.
That’s right. That’s – that’s good. That’s good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you’re in trouble, huh?
[Hitchhiker convulses]

No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody’s comin’ up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won’t even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.
That – good point.
7’s the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that’s the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin’ on a branch, eatin’ lots of sunflowers on my uncle’s ranch. You know that old children’s tale from the sea. It’s like you’re dreamin’ about Gorgonzola cheese when it’s clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.
’Cause you’re fuckin’ fired!

Fortsätt läsa Den där Mary (1998)

Die Another Day

Die Another Day (2002)

James Bond:
[a device closes; cocks gun]
So you lived to die another day… Colonel.
Gustav Graves:
At last… I was beginning to think you would never guess.
James Bond:
Was it painful? The gene therapy.
Gustav Graves:
You couldn’t possibly imagine.
James Bond:
Oh, good. I’m glad to hear that.
Gustav Graves:
But there have been compensations, like you floating around in peril. Granting you life day by day just to see you get wise. It’s been fun.
James Bond:
Well, the fun is about to come to a dead end.

Fortsätt läsa Die Another Day (2002)


Hancock (2008)

John Hancock: All of you people, blocking the intersection, you're all idiots.
Rail Crossing Crowd #1: You're the one that threw the dude's car at her. And what's with the train?
Rail Crossing Crowd #2: Why didn't you just go straight up in the air with the car? You've obviously injured that poor woman.
Rail Crossing Crowd #3: She's right. She should sue you.
John Hancock: Okay. Well, you should sue McDonald's, 'cause they fucked you up.

Fortsätt läsa Hancock (2008)