Adrian Helmsley: The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity.

Adrian Helmsley: The moment we stop fighting for each other, that's the moment we lose our humanity.
Bill Murray: [dying] Is that how you say hello where you come from?
Columbus: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I can't believe I shot Bill Murray.
Tallahassee: Mr. Murray?
Bill Murray: I'm just Bill, I think, now.
Tallahassee: Bill?
Bill Murray: Yeah?
Tallahassee: [pokes at Bill's wound] I don't think we're gonna be able to stitch this.
Bill Murray: Ah. That's still tender.
Tallahassee: You think you might pull through?
Bill Murray: No.
Columbus: If it means anything now, I am so sorry. It was just instinctive.
Bill Murray: It was my bad. I was never a very good practical joker.
Little Rock: So do you have any regrets?
Bill Murray: "Garfield," maybe.
Danny Archer: Sometimes I wonder… will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize… God left this place a long time ago.
Chloe: Are you ready to get wet, Dr. Adams?
Rick Jarmin: I haven't had a girlfriend for 5 years.
Marianne Graves: Really?
Rick: Yeah – Mr. Wiggly's been on bread and water for 5 long years.
Frank Martin: What's the first rule when entering a man's car?
Jack Billings: [takes his feet off the seat] Respect a man's car, a man respects you.
Frank Martin: Rule number two?
Jack Billings: Greet the man. Good afternoon, Frank.
Frank Martin: Good afternoon, Jack.
Jack Billings: Can we play the game now?
Frank Martin: I would think your brain would be too tired after a whole day of school.
Jack Billings: You're just afraid I'm gonna win.
Frank Martin: I'm afraid you're gonna be too worn out to do your homework.
Jack Billings: It's Friday, I don't *have* any homework.
Frank Martin: In that case: the game.
Jack Billings: Yes!
Frank Martin: But first, what's the third rule of the car?
[Jack buckles his seatbelt]
Frank Martin: Good.
John Clayton: Your son killed the only person who ever cared about me.
Chief Mbonga: It was an animal.
John Clayton: She was my mother.
Chief Mbonga: How was he to know? My son was just a boy! Not like you! Where was your honor?
John Clayton: I… I had none. I had none.
Tremaine Alexander: Where I come from, cash rule everything around me. You heard that one, right?
[from trailer]
Daniel Lugo: [to a little boy] Don't eyeball me! I've seen your mother driving up and down these streets looking at me! I'll be your stepfather in about a week!
Liberty 24 Pilot: Blue Star… Air Force One is down!
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty 24 have you got the president?
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty, do you have the president?
Liberty 24 Pilot: Standby…
Liberty 24 crew member: [President Marshal is grabbed off the line and taken on board, a watching crew member on his ear set] … Liberty 24 is changing call sign, Liberty 24 is now Air Force One!