Elmont: Fear of heights?
Jack: Fear of falling.
Elmont: Well then don't fall!

Elmont: Fear of heights?
Jack: Fear of falling.
Elmont: Well then don't fall!
Alicia West: Murder is murder, no matter who you are.
Bernie Hayes: You mean I gotta die with you SOBER?
Messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. They may be your last as king.
King Leonidas: [to himself: thinking] "Earth and water"?
[Leonidas unsheathes and points his sword at the Messenger's throat]
Messenger: Madman! You're a madman!
King Leonidas: Earth and water? You'll find plenty of both down there.
Messenger: No man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger!
King Leonidas: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!
Messenger: This is blasphemy! This is madness!
King Leonidas: Madness…?
King Leonidas: This is Sparta!
[Kicks the messenger down the well]
Minister: There is one thing: how did you know whose telephone to tap?
Lebel: I didn't, so I tapped all of them.
John Matthews: I admire you so much. The stand you're taking. You didn't take the easy way out. Not setting up one of your friends. I couldn't do what you did. So it looks like you're the one teaching me what real character and integrity is all about. I love you, son.
First Lt Benjamin Keating: So how do we do our jobs and stay safe? We need to keep a good relationship with the locals. Respect keeps us safe.
Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you were in prison?
Jelly: It would appear not.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, well, how'd you get out?
Jelly: I had a new trial. It turns out that the evidence in the first trial was, uh, you know, tainted.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, I see.
Jelly: Anyway, two of the witnesses decided not to testify, uh, and the third guy, well, he commited suicide.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh? How?
Jelly: He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge… very unfortunate
Rita Vrataski: What do we do now?
Cage: I don't know. We've never gotten this far.
Henri Ducard: But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just… poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed, so you would be spared your pain.