Dylan Bailey: So, what's with all the cobwebs?
Paige Parker: [chuckles] It's Ukrainian folklore. There was once an old widow who lived with her children in this tiny shack. And they had no gifts or decorations. And on Christmas morning, they woke up to find their Christmas tree completely covered in cobwebs. But when sunlight entered the shack, all the cobwebs turned to gold.
Dylan Bailey: Oh. I love stories about the importance of material wealth.
Paige Parker: [chuckles] Well, I like it because it shows that anything is possible during the Christmas season. No matter who you are, where you come from, there is always a little hope for some Christmas magic. You never know what can be waiting for you in the morning.
Coyote Creek Christmas är en hjärtevärmande julfilm som följer den framgångsrika Paige när hon återvänder hem över jul. När hon upptäcker att föräldrarnas värdshus kämpar ekonomiskt, tar hon på sig att arrangera en spektakulär julfest. Med en enastående ensemble inklusive Janel Parrish, Ryan Paevey och Cameron Bancroft, bjuder filmen på en berörande historia om familj, kärlek och julens magi.