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Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation (2009)

John Connor: The devil's hands have been busy. What is it?
Kate Connor: It's real flesh and blood, though it seems to heal itself quickly. The heart is human and very powerful. The brain, too, but with a chip interface.
Marcus Wright: What have you done to me?
Kate Connor: It has a hybrid nervous system. One human cortex, one machine.
Marcus Wright: Blair, what have they done?
John Connor: Who built you?
Marcus Wright: My name is Marcus Wright.
John Connor: You think you're human?
Marcus Wright: I am human.

Fortsätt läsa Terminator Salvation (2009)

The Mustang

The Mustang (2019)

When I was six, I, uh, started to write letters of support to your parole board. But your parole was always denied, so I thought it was my fault that you were still in prison, because I wasn’t a good enough writer. Then, when I got older, I understood. You didn’t want to get out. So I stopped writing. I kept one of those letters. ”My dad is fun. Send him back home”.

Fortsätt läsa The Mustang (2019)