First Lt Benjamin Keating: So how do we do our jobs and stay safe? We need to keep a good relationship with the locals. Respect keeps us safe.

First Lt Benjamin Keating: So how do we do our jobs and stay safe? We need to keep a good relationship with the locals. Respect keeps us safe.
Allan Karlsson: If you want to kill me, you'd better hurry, because I'm 100 years old.
Fortsätt läsa Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann
Emmett: Did you take Mrs. Windham on a date?
Enrique Salvatore: Yes.
Emmett: Where?
Enrique Salvatore: A restaurant in Concord, where no one could recognize us.
Emmett: How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham?
Enrique Salvatore: Three months.
Emmett: And your boyfriend's name is…
Enrique Salvatore: Chuck.
Emmett: Right.
[Everyone gasps/laughs]
Enrique Salvatore: Pardon me, pardon me. I thought you said friend; Chuck is just a friend.
[first lines]
Self – Actor, Singer: In the dictionary, if it said 'the coolest' it would have to be underlined: Dean Martin.
Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you were in prison?
Jelly: It would appear not.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, well, how'd you get out?
Jelly: I had a new trial. It turns out that the evidence in the first trial was, uh, you know, tainted.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, I see.
Jelly: Anyway, two of the witnesses decided not to testify, uh, and the third guy, well, he commited suicide.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh? How?
Jelly: He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge… very unfortunate
Jack: Hey!
Ally: What?
Jack: I just wanted to take another look at you.
Ibrahim Dieng: To tell you the truth, decency has become a sin in this country. And that's why I'm going to become a wolf among wolves! I too will become a thief and a liar!
Rita Vrataski: What do we do now?
Cage: I don't know. We've never gotten this far.
Henri Ducard: But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just… poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed, so you would be spared your pain.
John Smith: [while driving, pursued by hit men in three black BMW'S] I never told you, but I was married once before.
Jane Smith: [slams on the brakes]
John Smith: What's wrong with you?
Jane Smith: [slapping John's arms and legs] You're what's wrong with me John.
John Smith: It was just a drunken Vegas thing.
Jane Smith: Oh, that's better. That's *much* better.
Jane Smith: What's her name and social security number?
John Smith: No, you're not gonna kill her.