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En förtrollad romans

En förtrollad romans

Dalton Russell: I'm no martyr. I did it for the money. But it's not worth much if you can't face yourself in the mirror. Respect is the ultimate currency. I was stealing from a man who traded his away for a few dollars. And then he tried to wash away his guilt. Drown it in a lifetime of good deeds and a sea of respectability. It almost worked, too. But inevitably, the further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you. And they do. Certain. It will not fail.

Fortsätt läsa En förtrollad romans

Änglar och demoner

Änglar och demoner

Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: Christianity's most sacred codices are in that archive. Given your recent… entanglement with the Church, there is a question I'd like to ask you first here in-in the office of His Holiness.
[Walks towards Robert Langdon]
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: Do you believe in God, sir?
Robert Langdon: [pause] Father, I simply believe that religion…
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believe in God.
Robert Langdon: [pause] I'm an academic. My mind tells me I will never… understand God.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: And your heart?
Robert Langdon: [pause] Tells me I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift… that I have yet to receive.
Camerlengo Patrick McKenna: [pauses to consider his words] Be delicate with our treasures.

Fortsätt läsa Änglar och demoner

Blades of Glory

Blades of Glory

Jimmy: So, Coach, I was thinking about the music for our routine.
Coach: Oh, really?
Chazz: We're gonna dance to one song, and one song only: "Lady Humps" by the Blackeyed Peas. "What you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? I'm a get you, get you drunk, get you drunk off my lady humps, my humps, my humps, my lovely lady humps."
Jimmy: [disgusted] I'm not skating to anything with references to lady humps. I don't even know what that means.
Chazz: No one knows what it means, but it's provocative…
Jimmy: No, it's not, it's gross…
Chazz: …It gets the people going!

Fortsätt läsa Blades of Glory