Doris Strelzyk: If you said the wrong thing, it could be very dangerous.

Doris Strelzyk: If you said the wrong thing, it could be very dangerous.
Veronica Corningstone: For the entire Channel 4 news team, I'm Veronica Corningstone.
Ron Burgundy: And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go fuck yourself, San Diego.
Tom Ripley: I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.
Rhyme: There are five basic contaminants in a crime scene. I'll skip to the worse one. Other cops.
Mr. Evans: 48 years ago I marched into war with my friends to fight men in swastikas. Today I see swastikas on young men on the streets of Luton. That was a very brave poem, young man. You must write more and get your message out. N.F. scum indeed!
Tyler: What's rule number one?
Zak: Party.
Adam: What are your qualifications?
Beetlejuice: Ah. Well… I attended Juilliard… I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT… NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TALKING TO A DEAD GUY… NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK? You think I'm qualified?
Dora Angioli: You're so thin… no one trusts a skinny cook.
[last lines]
Marshall: [voice-over] Why do you fight it so hard, Earl?
Mr. Earl Brooks: [whispering to himself] God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it, trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen.
Leroy: I have to ask you a question… and it's an important one so, I want you to think about the answer before you give it to me. Okay?
Samantha: Okay
Leroy: When two people love each other – Really… Love each other – but they just can't get it together, when do you get to that point where enough is enough?
Samantha: [mouth agape, stunned look, realizing he's talking about her] Tha?… oh, well… that's… you know… um… you know it's Over when… okay, I have, like, these psychosomatic, insomniatic manifestations of… uh, well here's the thing about me: I'm a product of my emotions, versus being a product of my environment, like HIM, which he is, exactly, just THAT, environmental… uh uh I need sunshine to grow; that's who I am, and uh with the projection of the… I have goals
[pause, smiles, nods to indicate she's done]
Leroy: That's your answer?
Samantha: Yah
Leroy: That's not right. I mean, there's a right answer here, but that's not it
Samantha: [exhales sharply]
Leroy: Look, in my business you're surrounded by loneliness, and finality. Now I don't care what your take is on an afterlife, when people die, it's scary. And they go alone. Now the people that I send off, that have experienced love, they're a little less scared. I mean they're still scared, but there's… a calmness to 'em, and I think that comes from the knowledge that somebody, somewhere loved 'em, and cared for 'em, and will miss 'em. Now I see that from time to time, and I am awed by it. I don't think I'd be telling you any of this if it wasn't for Frank. Anyway, it's a loaded question. Look, when two people love each other – Totally, TRUTHfully, all the way Love each other – the answer to that question is simple, especially in your case. When do you get to that point where enough is enough? Never… Never