The Mexican

The Mexican

Leroy: I have to ask you a question… and it's an important one so, I want you to think about the answer before you give it to me. Okay?
Samantha: Okay
Leroy: When two people love each other – Really… Love each other – but they just can't get it together, when do you get to that point where enough is enough?
Samantha: [mouth agape, stunned look, realizing he's talking about her] Tha?… oh, well… that's… you know… um… you know it's Over when… okay, I have, like, these psychosomatic, insomniatic manifestations of… uh, well here's the thing about me: I'm a product of my emotions, versus being a product of my environment, like HIM, which he is, exactly, just THAT, environmental… uh uh I need sunshine to grow; that's who I am, and uh with the projection of the… I have goals
[pause, smiles, nods to indicate she's done]
Leroy: That's your answer?
Samantha: Yah
Leroy: That's not right. I mean, there's a right answer here, but that's not it
Samantha: [exhales sharply]
Leroy: Look, in my business you're surrounded by loneliness, and finality. Now I don't care what your take is on an afterlife, when people die, it's scary. And they go alone. Now the people that I send off, that have experienced love, they're a little less scared. I mean they're still scared, but there's… a calmness to 'em, and I think that comes from the knowledge that somebody, somewhere loved 'em, and cared for 'em, and will miss 'em. Now I see that from time to time, and I am awed by it. I don't think I'd be telling you any of this if it wasn't for Frank. Anyway, it's a loaded question. Look, when two people love each other – Totally, TRUTHfully, all the way Love each other – the answer to that question is simple, especially in your case. When do you get to that point where enough is enough? Never… Never

The Mexican är en actionkomedi från 2001 som följer Jerry, spelad av Brad Pitt, som måste smuggla en värdefull revolver över Mexikanska gränsen för att betala av en skuld. När en lejd mördare kidnappar hans flickvän, spelad av Julia Roberts, blir situationen ännu mer komplicerad. Filmen bjuder på spänning, humor och en imponerande rollprestation av James Gandolfini.