Etikettarkiv: Action

The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Reloaded

The Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.
Neo: Bullshit.
[the monitors respond the same]
The Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

Fortsätt läsa The Matrix Reloaded

Seraphim Falls

Seraphim Falls

Murad: [Bryan has him cornered] What are you waiting for?
Bryan Mills: You have other sons?
Murad: Two.
Bryan Mills: And if I kill you, they will come and seek revenge?
Murad: They will for sure.
Bryan Mills: And I will kill them too. You can change that. You can go home, live your life, enjoy your sons, your grandsons.
Murad: And my other son, Marko, the son you killed… am I just supposed to forget it?
Bryan Mills: No, you'll just have to live with it. Like the parents of all those kidnapped girls. Or you can die here.
Murad: What are you telling me?
Bryan Mills: What I'm saying is, if you give me your word, I will throw down this gun and simply walk away.
Murad: Why?
Bryan Mills: Because I am tired of it all.

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