Happiest Season

Happiest Season

John: Hey, Harper not coming out to her parents has nothing to do with you.
Abby: How could it not?
John: Remind me, what did your parents say when you told them you were gay?
Abby: Um, that they loved and supported me.
John: That's amazing! My dad kicked me out of the house and didn't talk to me for 13 years after I told him. Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words. When your heart is racing and you don't know what's coming next. That moment's really terrifying! And once you say those words, you can't un-say them. A chapter has ended, and a new one's begun. You have to be ready for that. You can't do it for anyone else.
John: Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

Happiest Season är en gripande romantisk komedi om Abby, spelad av Kristen Stewart, som planerar att fria till sin flickvän Harper, spelad av Mackenzie Davis, under hennes familjs julmiddag. Men när Abby upptäcker att Harper inte har berättat för sin familj att hon är gay, börjar deras relation att ifrågasättas. Filmen utforskar teman som familjedynamik och att vara sann mot sig själv. Med en enastående ensemble inklusive Mary Steenburgen, bjuder Happiest Season på en känslosam och underhållande berättelse om kärlek och självacceptans.

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