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Quantum of Solace

Quantum of Solace (2008)

James Bond:
[Bond is holding Yusef and Corinne at gunpoint]
Sit down!
[they both sit]

James Bond:
[looking at Corinne]
You’re Canadian…? You work in Canadian intelligence?
[Corinne doesn’t answer]

James Bond:
That’s all right… I know you do. And knowing this man, you likely have access to some very sensitive material that you’re going to be forced to give up. His life will be threatened… and because you love him, you won’t hesitate.
[pause; Bond looks at Corinne’s necklace]

James Bond:
That’s a beautiful necklace. Did he give it to you?
[Corinne still doesn’t answer]

James Bond:
[showing her Vesper’s necklace]
I have one just like it. He gave it to a friend of mine… someone very close to me. Your name is…?
James Bond:
Corinne… Corinne, I suggest you leave now. You contact your people, and you tell them to check their seals. They have a leak. Do it now, please. This man and I have some unfinished business.
[softly, as she leaves]
Thank you.
[Bond turns back to Yusef]

Please. Make it quick.

Fortsätt läsa Quantum of Solace (2008)

Inside Man

Inside Man (2006)

Dalton Russell:
I’m no martyr. I did it for the money. But it’s not worth much if you can’t face yourself in the mirror. Respect is the ultimate currency. I was stealing from a man who traded his away for a few dollars. And then he tried to wash away his guilt. Drown it in a lifetime of good deeds and a sea of respectability. It almost worked, too. But inevitably, the further you run from your sins, the more exhausted you are when they catch up to you. And they do. Certain. It will not fail.

Fortsätt läsa Inside Man (2006)