Sam: Groundhog Day is not a documentary.

Sam: Groundhog Day is not a documentary.
Elisabeth: Nobody loves anybody
Elisabeth: Everybody loves what he wants from others
Elisabeth: And we love anybody that loves in us that which we would like to be.
Summer Quinn: [about CJ Parker] Why does she always look like she's running in slow-mo?
Ronnie Greenbaum: You see it too?
Summer Quinn: And she always looks wet, but not too wet.
Ronnie Greenbaum: Right? She's the reason I believe in God.
Bohdi: Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.
[subtitled version]
Husband: What is it you want help with? My plane leaves…
Taxi driver: Rob a bank at Folkungagatan.
Husband: Isn't that quite illegal?
Taxi driver: Are you religious?
Husband: No, but I was raised in Danderyd…
Virgil: It's much easier to kill, but it's harder to survive.
Joanna: The job of an agent is to open up opportunities for their clients, but, when it came to Salinger, the logic was reversed. We had to shield him from the outside world, bolstering his reputation as a complicated recluse.
Frank Martin: [Following a fight] You're gonna make me late
Frank Martin: [Has a gun snapped at him] You think this is the first time I have had a gun pointed at me?
Patty Tolan: [about Rowan's huge transformation] What part of "small and friendly" did he not understand?
Honor Elizabeth Wainio: Hi, Mom, it's me. I'm on the plane that's been hijacked. I'm just calling to tell you that I love you, and goodbye. This really kind woman handed me the phone and she said to call you.