Acts of Violence

Acts of Violence (2018)

What now for the hollow-hearted soldier?/When the beast of battle digs in its claws and a soul sets sail in eternal pause./Survival’s true cost is growing older./Where to for the man without a mission?/When the cries of combat cease to sound and the ones once brave all lie in the ground./The warrior’s new war is attrition./What hope an entire war cherish?/To brave a new battle or to perish.
Brother… /When you raise your shield,/So will I./Sister… /When you charge at the enemy,/So will I./And if death awaits us,/Calling his warriors home,/Let me go die smiling by your side./For we are family.

När hans fästmö kidnappas av människosmugglare bestämmer sig Roman, tillsammans med vänner från det militära, att rädda henne innan det är för sent. Längs vägen träffar han Avery, en polis som utreder människosmugglare och kämpar mot den korrupta byråkratin.

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