Tjejen som föll överbord

Tjejen som föll överbord (1987)

Mrs. Burbridge, would you come over here for a moment? Has it escaped your attention that these children have head-to-toe poison oak?
Adele Burbridge:
Well, no, I… well, yes, but…
But what? My children are in need of medical assistance! And you can sit here and smugly lecture me on the importance of tests? Tests which exist to pigeonhole children’s potential, a thing which cannot possibly be measured, least of all by anal-compulsive huns! And my husband may be a ”large child,” but that’s none of your business! And my children may be rotten, but they’re mine. And I think that they’re bright, and sensitive, so I have no doubts whatsoever about their intelligence. I do, however, have serious doubts about yours!

Joanna och hennes förmögne man anlitar snickaren Dean för att laga deras lyxyacht. Väl ute på havet igen trillar Joanna överbord, tappar minnet och vaknar på sjukhus. Dean tar tillfället i akt och utger sig för att vara hennes man.

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