Nux: [In the midst of a massive, violent sandstorm, after witnessing his fellow War Boys sucked off the War Rig into a vortex] Oh, what a day… what a lovely day!

Nux: [In the midst of a massive, violent sandstorm, after witnessing his fellow War Boys sucked off the War Rig into a vortex] Oh, what a day… what a lovely day!
Library Security Guard: [as Brian works on a radio] Maybe you should have somebody help with that, you know?
Brian Parks: Sir, I am president of the Electronics Club, the Math Club, and the Chess Club. Now, if there's a bigger nerd in here, please… point him out.
Library Security Guard: …I'll just leave you alone to work on it, then.
Car Passenger: Hey… you wanna see something really scary?
[repeated line]
The Mask: S-ssss-ssss-sssss-smokin'!
Gurty: Brother, mine.
Mike: Brother, mine.
Preacher: Einstein's theory of relativity. Grab hold of a hot pan, second can seem like an hour. Put your hands on a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative.
Tom Scoggins: I spent four years at CalTech, and that's the best physics explanation I've ever heard.
Spock Prime: James T. Kirk!
James T. Kirk: Excuse me?
Spock Prime: How did you find me?
James T. Kirk: Whoa… how do you know my name?
Spock Prime: I have been and always shall be your friend.
James T. Kirk: Wha…
[shakes head]
James T. Kirk: Uh… look… I-I don't know you.
Spock Prime: I am Spock.
James T. Kirk: Bullshit.
James T. Kirk: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Spock: An Arabic proverb attributed to a prince who was betrayed and decapitated by his own subjects.
James T. Kirk: Well, still, it's a hell of a quote.
Spock Prime: James T. Kirk!
James T. Kirk: Excuse me?
Spock Prime: How did you find me?
James T. Kirk: Whoa… how do you know my name?
Spock Prime: I have been and always shall be your friend.
James T. Kirk: Wha…
[shakes head]
James T. Kirk: Uh… look… I-I don't know you.
Spock Prime: I am Spock.
James T. Kirk: Bullshit.
[Sarah hugs Pops before going into the Time Displacement Equipment. Pops doesn't understand the meaning of a hug]
Guardian: That's a meaningless gesture. Why hold onto someone you must let go?