Etikettarkiv: Drama

A Very Merry Bridesmaid

A Very Merry Bridesmaid

Leah Taylor: I just love poinsettias. They're so happy.
Drew Vaughn: Happy?
Leah Taylor: Yea. They're happy. Don't these make you happy? I can see why Paul wants to get married around a whole bunch of them. Did you know that these are actually the Christmas Eve flower?
Drew Vaughn: Really?
Leah Taylor: Yea. I think it was back in the sixteenth century. The story is that there was a little girl in Mexico. And she gathered up a bunch of weeds to bring to her church on Christmas Eve and a miracle turned them from green to red.

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Harmonica - en hämnare

Harmonica – en hämnare

Charles Bronson: [Real Life Charles Bronson Quote] How would you feel, waking up in the morning without a window? My window is a steel grid, I 'ave to put my lips against that steel grid and suck in air, that's my morning… 'cause I got no air in my cell. I have to eat, sleep and crap in that room twenty-three hours of a twenty-four hour day. You tell me, what human being deserves that? Apart from the stinking paedophile or a child killer. I don't deserve that, I done nothing on this planet to deserve that. My bed is four inches off the floor, it's a concrete bed, my toilet hasn't even got a seat on it or a lid, and I 'ave to live like this month after month after month, and the way it's looking it's year after year after year. Now is that's right then so be, but let somebody else 'ave a fucking go at it, 'cause I've had twenty-six years of this bollocks and it's time to come out, and I want the jury at my trail to come and see how I'm living. But I'm not living, I'm existing.

Fortsätt läsa Harmonica – en hämnare

Mitt liv som hund

Mitt liv som hund

Ingemar: In fact, I've been kinda lucky. I mean, compared to others. You have to compare, so you can get a little distance from things. Like Laika. She really must have seen things in perspective. It's important to keep a certain distance. I think about that guy who tried to set a world record for jumping over buses with a motorcycle. He lined up 31 buses. If he'd left it at 30, maybe he would have survived.

Fortsätt läsa Mitt liv som hund