[upon reaching Claw Island]
Holey rusted metal, Batman!
The ground, it’s all metal. It’s full of holes. You know, holey.

[upon reaching Claw Island]
Holey rusted metal, Batman!
The ground, it’s all metal. It’s full of holes. You know, holey.
Jane Kano:
I need you to exhibit some attention-seeking behavior.
Sabina Wilson:
I have so many ideas.
Marian: You call that a disguise?
Robin of Loxley: Well it fooled everybody else!
Indiana Jones: Mola Ram! Prepare to meet Kali… in Hell!
The Penguin:
[while being bombarded by food]
Why is there always someone who brings eggs and tomatoes to a speech?
Dr. Martin Harris:
Do you know what it feels like to become insane, doctor? It’s like a war between being told who you are and knowing who you are. Which do you think wins?
Sister Ann: The demon preys on the most devout because our guilt, it is the deepest.
Li Noor:
Say hi to your mother for me.
Optimus Prime:
[Morse code]
I’m coming for you, humans…
Sherlock Holmes: Uh, hmm… Right. Where are the wagons?
Madam Simza Heron: The wagon is too slow. Can't you ride?
Dr. John Watson: It's not that he can't ride… How is it you put it, Holmes?
Sherlock Holmes: They're dangerous at both ends and… crafty in the middle. Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing about between my legs?