Warden Burns: As warden, I can approve buying a copy of A Dance With Dragons for the prison library to go up on the Game of Thrones shelf. Now, the only problem is that The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring have yet to be published so those aren't available. Well, I can't do anything about what I can't control.
Naaman: That is total bullshit! George R.R. Martin was supposed to deliver The Winds of Winter to his publisher over two years ago.
Warden Burns: I know that was the original deadline. That's what it says here. But I'm reading to you from the Wikipedia page. It also says that Martin had a grueling promotion schedule or something, and it's interfered with his writing schedule. He's failed to complete The Winds of Winter.
Naaman: That don't make no sense. Those two guys who transferred in from Federal last month knew about all the new stuff with the hot chick and her dragons.
Warden Burns: No. I'm telling you, I believe those two inmates had that information from watching the TV series. Again, I'm reading to you. The series has jumped ahead! It's no longer following the books!
Logan Lucky är en spännande kuppfilm där bröderna Logan, spelade av Channing Tatum och Riley Keough, planerar att genomföra en stor kupp under NASCAR-tävlingen Coca Cola 600. Med hjälp av sprängexperten Joe Bang, spelad av Daniel Craig, och deras syrra, tar de sig an utmaningen att ändra sin familjes öde. Filmen bjuder på spänning, humor och en hel del oväntade vändningar.