Baksmällan del 3

Baksmällan del 3 (2013)

Stu Price: [to the lyrics of "Allentown"] Well, we're living here in Alan Town / And he's driven our lives into the ground / When we woke up we were wasted and drunk / Phil got shot… / We got beaten by a monk… / I was happy and my life was good / Getting married like a dentist should / Roasting marshmallows on a stick / I got fucked in the ass… / By a girl with a dick…
Alan: Ha ha ha, I remember that.
Stu Price: And we're living here in Alan Town / But they're taking Teddy's finger now… / And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose my shit /… and shoot Alan in the face /… and shoot myself.
Alan: You totally butchered that song.
Stu Price: You totally butchered my life.

Baksmällan del 2 tar oss med till Bangkok där vännerna planerar en lugnare tillställning för Stu. Men när det otänkbara händer och Stus svåger försvinner, tvingas de ut på en ny surrealistisk odyssé. I filmen medverkar skådespelare som Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis och Ed Helms.