Don’t let me see you leave.

Don’t let me see you leave.
[Sanchez is about to kill James]
Franz Sanchez:
You could have had everything.
James Bond:
Don’t you want to know why?
[Shows Sanchez Felix’s lighter, then sets Sanchez on fire]
James Bond:
Cheer up, Saunders. The operation’s a success. And officially, its still yours.
I have no intention of leaving it at that, 007! I’m reporting to M that you deliberately missed. Your orders were to kill that sniper!
James Bond:
*Stuff* my orders! I only kill professionals. That girl didn’t know one end of her rifle from the other. Go ahead. Tell M what you want. If he fires me, I’ll thank him for it. Whoever she was, it must have scared the living daylights out of her.
Bowery King: He's offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars is a lot of money, Mr. Wick.
John Wick: So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?
Bowery King: Somebody, please! Get this man a gun!
John Dillinger:
I was raised on a farm in Moooresville, Indiana. My mama died when I was three, my daddy beat the hell out of me cause he didn’t know no better way to raise me. I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars, whiskey, and you… what else you need to know?
[the morning after Bond sleeps with May Day]
Max Zorin:
You slept well?
James Bond:
A little restless but I got off eventually.
Bowery King:
He’s offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars is a lot of money, Mr. Wick.
John Wick:
So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or do you wanna just give me a gun?
Bowery King:
Somebody, please! Get this man a gun!
Mark Lewis:
Do you know what the most frightening thing in the world is? It’s fear.
Mike Wallace: Who are these people?
Lowell Bergman: Ordinary people under extraordinary pressure, Mike. What the hell do you expect? Grace and consistency?
Dr. Kyrie: Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little to cure diseases of which they know less for men of whom they know nothing at all.