Anthony: We don't know what the inner machinations of their mind are, or their heart. We don't know. But that's what we want to know when we go and see a film. We don't wanna just see life played out as is. We wanna see life as it is experienced, within this soft machine, within this…
Julie: But the life of Tony and his mother, they're the lives of real people. I'm not- I'm not making that up.
Anthony: Why are they more real than me?
Julie: They're not more real than you.
Anthony: Am I more real than you?
Julie: No. I think we're all equal in that. I think we're all as real as each other. There's no competition. It doesn't matter that they're not real people. I mean, I'm not trying to make a documentary. I'm just- you know, I'm making a feature film.
Anthony: Now, are you sure?
Julie: Yes, I am. I'm making a feature film.
The Souvenir är en gripande film som följer en ung kvinnas kamp med kärlek och kaos under 1980-talets London. Honor Swinton Byrne, dotter till Tilda Swinton, spelar huvudrollen och ger en imponerande prestation tillsammans med Tom Burke. Filmen fångar på ett mästerligt sätt den komplicerade relationen och de emotionella prövningarna som huvudkaraktären genomgår.
Läs mer om The souvenir