Christina ’Chris’ Cotter:
[sitting on the dock next to each other looking out at the ocean]
I’ll be asleep, and all the sudden there he is, that big smile. You know that smile. And I say, ’Hey, Bobby – where you been?’ but he won’t tell me. He just smiles and says, ’Remember, Christina: I’ll always love you; I loved you the moment I saw you; I love you now; and I love you forever. There’s no goodbyes – there’s only love, Christina; only love. Then he’s gone. But he’s always happy when he goes so I know he’s got to be okay – absolutely okay.
Ethel Shatford:
[holds her hand]
I love your dream.
Billy’s voice:
The fog’s just lifting. Throw off your bow line; throw off your stern. You head out to South channel, past Rocky Neck, Ten Pound Island. Past Niles Pond where I skated as a kid. Blow your air-horn and throw a wave to the lighthouse keeper’s kid on Thatcher Island. Then the birds show up: black backs, herring gulls, big dump ducks. The sun hits ya – head North. Open up to 12 – steamin’ now. The guys are busy; you’re in charge. Ya know what? You’re a goddam swordboat captain! Is there any thing better in the world?
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