Etikettarkiv: Thriller

Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

[to Navy SEALs]
Quite frankly, I didn’t even want to use you guys, with your dip and velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn’t believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they’re using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn’t there, you can sneak away and no one will be the wiser. But bin Laden is there. And you’re going to kill him for me.

Fortsätt läsa Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

Den perfekta stormen

Den perfekta stormen (2000)

Christina ’Chris’ Cotter:
[sitting on the dock next to each other looking out at the ocean]
I’ll be asleep, and all the sudden there he is, that big smile. You know that smile. And I say, ’Hey, Bobby – where you been?’ but he won’t tell me. He just smiles and says, ’Remember, Christina: I’ll always love you; I loved you the moment I saw you; I love you now; and I love you forever. There’s no goodbyes – there’s only love, Christina; only love. Then he’s gone. But he’s always happy when he goes so I know he’s got to be okay – absolutely okay.
Ethel Shatford:
[holds her hand]
I love your dream.
Billy’s voice:
The fog’s just lifting. Throw off your bow line; throw off your stern. You head out to South channel, past Rocky Neck, Ten Pound Island. Past Niles Pond where I skated as a kid. Blow your air-horn and throw a wave to the lighthouse keeper’s kid on Thatcher Island. Then the birds show up: black backs, herring gulls, big dump ducks. The sun hits ya – head North. Open up to 12 – steamin’ now. The guys are busy; you’re in charge. Ya know what? You’re a goddam swordboat captain! Is there any thing better in the world?

Fortsätt läsa Den perfekta stormen (2000)

Quantum of Solace

Quantum of Solace (2008)

James Bond:
[Bond is holding Yusef and Corinne at gunpoint]
Sit down!
[they both sit]

James Bond:
[looking at Corinne]
You’re Canadian…? You work in Canadian intelligence?
[Corinne doesn’t answer]

James Bond:
That’s all right… I know you do. And knowing this man, you likely have access to some very sensitive material that you’re going to be forced to give up. His life will be threatened… and because you love him, you won’t hesitate.
[pause; Bond looks at Corinne’s necklace]

James Bond:
That’s a beautiful necklace. Did he give it to you?
[Corinne still doesn’t answer]

James Bond:
[showing her Vesper’s necklace]
I have one just like it. He gave it to a friend of mine… someone very close to me. Your name is…?
James Bond:
Corinne… Corinne, I suggest you leave now. You contact your people, and you tell them to check their seals. They have a leak. Do it now, please. This man and I have some unfinished business.
[softly, as she leaves]
Thank you.
[Bond turns back to Yusef]

Please. Make it quick.

Fortsätt läsa Quantum of Solace (2008)