Etikettarkiv: Thriller

Minority Report

Minority Report

Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you were in prison?
Jelly: It would appear not.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, well, how'd you get out?
Jelly: I had a new trial. It turns out that the evidence in the first trial was, uh, you know, tainted.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, I see.
Jelly: Anyway, two of the witnesses decided not to testify, uh, and the third guy, well, he commited suicide.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh? How?
Jelly: He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge… very unfortunate

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

John Smith: [while driving, pursued by hit men in three black BMW'S] I never told you, but I was married once before.
Jane Smith: [slams on the brakes]
John Smith: What's wrong with you?
Jane Smith: [slapping John's arms and legs] You're what's wrong with me John.
John Smith: It was just a drunken Vegas thing.
Jane Smith: Oh, that's better. That's *much* better.
Jane Smith: What's her name and social security number?
John Smith: No, you're not gonna kill her.

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Transporter 2

Transporter 2

Frank Martin: What's the first rule when entering a man's car?
Jack Billings: [takes his feet off the seat] Respect a man's car, a man respects you.
Frank Martin: Rule number two?
Jack Billings: Greet the man. Good afternoon, Frank.
Frank Martin: Good afternoon, Jack.
Jack Billings: Can we play the game now?
Frank Martin: I would think your brain would be too tired after a whole day of school.
Jack Billings: You're just afraid I'm gonna win.
Frank Martin: I'm afraid you're gonna be too worn out to do your homework.
Jack Billings: It's Friday, I don't *have* any homework.
Frank Martin: In that case: the game.
Jack Billings: Yes!
Frank Martin: But first, what's the third rule of the car?
[Jack buckles his seatbelt]
Frank Martin: Good.

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Air Force One

Air Force One

Liberty 24 Pilot: Blue Star… Air Force One is down!
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty 24 have you got the president?
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty, do you have the president?
Liberty 24 Pilot: Standby…
Liberty 24 crew member: [President Marshal is grabbed off the line and taken on board, a watching crew member on his ear set] … Liberty 24 is changing call sign, Liberty 24 is now Air Force One!

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