Raymond Spruance: Layton, how reliable are these estimates of the Japanese positions?
Edwin Layton: They represent our best guess based on the intelligence that we have.
Raymond Spruance: I can't plan around your guess.
Chester W. Nimitz: [to Layton] I understand that we're asking the impossible but we need you to be specific.
Edwin Layton: [sighs, pauses a moment] The Japanese will attack on the morning of June 4th from the northwest at a bearing of 325 degrees. They will be sighted 175 miles from Midway at 0700 local time.
Chester W. Nimitz: I trust Layton and his team. Make your plans accordingly.
Chester W. Nimitz: [later, on the morning of June 4th, after receiving the report the enemy fleet was spotted on a bearing of 320 degrees and 180 miles northwest of Midway and glancing at his watch] Well, Layton, you and Rochefort were only off five minutes, five miles and five degrees.
Edwin Layton: Well, we'll endeavor to do better next time, sir.
Filmen Midway är en episk och sann berättelse om en underbemannad amerikansk flotta och de modiga marinsoldater och piloter som segrade över en mäktig motståndare. Med demokrati och frihet på spel besegrade de den japanska flottan vid slaget om Midway, en av de mest anmärkningsvärda striderna som svängde de allierade mot seger under andra världskriget. I filmen medverkar skådespelare som Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson och Woody Harrelson.