Trial by fire

Trial by fire

Hurst: What's Your sign?
Elizabeth Gilbert: Excuse Me?
Hurst: Under what sign of the zodiac were you born?
Elizabeth Gilbert: Aries
Hurst: And your horoscope, do you read it?
Elizabeth Gilbert: Sometimes, I guess.
Hurst: Sometimes It's right and sometimes its wrong
Elizabeth Gilbert: Well, all that stuff is just…
Hurst: People have always been fascinated by the stars, they chartered their movements. They could tell when Mercury was retrograde or when Mars was aligned with Venus. They made predictions based on these observations. These people were called Astrologers. They were the experts on the Solar System. Until the science of Astronomy came along and proved their ideas to be nothing but bullpucky. I've studied the report their experts wrote.

Trial by Fire är en gripande film baserad på den sanna berättelsen om Cameron Todd Willingham, som felaktigt dömdes till döden för mordet på sina tre barn. Trots bevis och vittnesmål som bekräftade hans oskuld, kämpade han mot rättssystemet. I filmen gestaltas huvudrollen av Jack O’Connell, med Laura Dern och Emily Meade i övriga betydande roller.

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